Infinite Scroll
The infinite scroll pattern provides a way to load content dynamicallyon user scrolling action. This example is almost identical the the Click To Load.
#Check the Click To Load example. The only difference is the render()
implementation with the introduction of the hx_trigger
and hx_swap
attributes. In the Click To Load example, we used the LoadMoreButton
to trigger the load action. Here is the updated render()
@app.endpoint("/contacts/") class ContactsSlice(Endpoint[ContactsSliceAttrs]): ... @override def render(self) -> Blank[TableRow]: *init, last = ( (contact["id"], contact["name"], contact["email"]) for contact in self.attrs["contacts"] ) return Blank( *(TableRow(*rows) for rows in init), TableRow( *last, hx_get=self.url_for(ContactsSlice).include_query_params( page=self.attrs["page"] + 1 ), hx_trigger="revealed", hx_swap="afterend", ), )