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Cascading Selects (FastAPI)

The cascading selects example uses FastAPI to implement two selects. First one is a simple select of a car's manufacturer. Second select's values are based on the option chosen by the first one.





In this example, we are using FastAPI instead of Starlette. So we need to install ludic with the fastapi extra:

pip install ludic[fastapi]

Next step is to import and set up all the necessary classes:

1   from fastapi import FastAPI
2   from ludic.contrib.fastapi import LudicRoute
4   app = FastAPI()
5   app.router.route_class = LudicRoute

Now let us set up a database. In this case, we are using a fake database of data classes. In real example, you might want to use e.g. SQLAlchemy ORM session. Anyway, here is what it might look like:

1   def get_session(request: Request) -> Database:
2       return request.scope["db"]  # this is a fake database

Next step is to create our select boxes. The first one will be selecting manufacturers, while the second car's models:

 1   from typing import override
 3   from ludic.catalog.forms import Option, SelectField, SelectFieldAttrs
 4   from ludic.catalog.layouts import Stack
 5   from ludic.components import Component
 7   class CarSelect(Component[str, SelectFieldAttrs]):
 8       """Ludic element representing car select."""
10       @override
11       def render(self) -> SelectField:
12           return SelectField(
13               *[
14                   Option(child, value=child.lower())
15                   for child in self.children
16               ],
17               label=self.attrs.pop("label", "Car Manufacturer"),
18               name="manufacturer",
19               **self.attrs,
20           )
23   class CarModelsSelect(Component[str, SelectFieldAttrs]):
24       """Ludic element representing car models select."""
26       @override
27       def render(self) -> SelectField:
28           return SelectField(
29               *[
30                   Option(child, value=child.lower())
31                   for child in self.children
32               ],
33               label=self.attrs.pop("label", "Car Model"),
34               id="models",
35               **self.attrs,
36           )

Finally, we can implement the FastAPI view which renders the initial page containing two select boxes:

 1   from fastapi import Depends
 2   from ludic.web import Request  # FastAPI is configured to use our custom
 3                                  # Request object
 5   from my_app import Database, get_db
 6   from my_app.components import CarSelect, CarModelsSelect
 8   @app.get("/")
 9   def index(request: Request, db: Database = Depends(get_db)) -> Stack:
10       return Stack(
11           CarSelect(
12               *db.find_all_cars_names(),
13               hx_get=request.url_for(models),
14               hx_target="#models",
15           ),
16           CarModelsSelect(*db.find_first_car().models),
17       )

We also need to implement the view that returns the car models options:

 1   from ludic.web.exceptions import NotFoundError
 2   # ... already imported stuff skipped
 4   @app.get("/models/")
 5   def models(
 6       manufacturer: str | None = None, db: Database = Depends(get_db)
 7   ) -> CarModelsSelect:
 8       if car := db.find_car_by_name(manufacturer):
 9           return CarModelsSelect(*car.models, label=None)
10       else:
11           raise NotFoundError("Car could not be found")
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