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Web Framework

The Ludic library provides wrappers around Starlette framework to make it easy to write asynchronous web applications based on HTMX and Ludic Components.

Ludic includes an application class LudicApp that tight together all other functionality. Here is how you can create an instance of the class:

1   from ludic.web import LudicApp
3   app = LudicApp()

The LudicApp class supports the same parameters as the Starlette class from the Starlette framework.



To register handlers in your app, you can use the routes arguments of the LudicApp class like this:

 1   from ludic.web import LudicApp, Request
 2   from ludic.web.routing import Route
 4   def homepage(request: Request) -> p:
 5       return p("Hello, world!")
 7   routes = [
 8       Route("/", homepage),
 9   ]
11   app = LudicApp(debug=True, routes=routes)

Alternatively, you can use a method decorator to register an endpoint:

1   from ludic.web import LudicApp, Request
2   from ludic.web.routing import Route
4   app = LudicApp(debug=True)
6   @app.get("/")
7   def homepage(request: Request) -> p:
8       return p("Hello, world!")

The Application Instance


class, routes=None, middleware=None, exception_handlers=None, on_startup=None, on_shutdown=None, lifespan=None)

Creates an application instance.



The list of parameters can be found in the Starlette documentation.


  • app.register_route(path: str, method: str = "GET") – decorator to register function based endpoint handler
  • app.get(path: str, **kwargs: Any) – decorator to register function endpoint handling GET HTTP method
  • str, **kwargs: Any) – decorator to register function endpoint handling POST HTTP method
  • app.put(path: str, **kwargs: Any) – decorator to register function endpoint handling PUT HTTP method
  • app.patch(path: str, **kwargs: Any) – decorator to register function endpoint handling PATCH HTTP method
  • app.delete(path: str, **kwargs: Any) – decorator to register function endpoint handling DELETE HTTP method
  • app.endpoint(path: str) – decorator to register component based endpoint
  • app.add_route(path: str, route: Callable[..., Any], method: str, **kwargs: Any) – register any endpoint handler
  • app.url_path_for(name: str, /, **path_params: Any) – get URL path for endpoint of given name
  • app.exception_handler(exc_class_or_status_code: int | type[Exception]) – register exception handler



There are three types of endpoints that you can create:



These are functions returning Ludic components, a tuple or the Starlette's Response class.

Here are some examples of function handlers registered in Ludic:

 1   from ludic.web.datastructures import FormData
 2   from ludic.web.exceptions import NotFoundError
 4   from your_app.database import db
 5   from your_app.pages import Page
 6   from your_app.models import Person
 7   from your_app.components import Header
10   @app.get("/people/{id}")
11   async def show_person(id: str) -> Page:
12       person: Person = db.people.get(id)
14       if person is None:
15           raise NotFoundError("Contact not found")
17       return Page(
18           Header(,
19           ...
20       )
24   async def register_person(data: FormData) -> Page:
25       person: Person = Person.objects.create(**data)
26       return await show_person(, 202



While it is possible to use function-based handlers everywhere, in the case of HTMX-based web applications, we want to also create a lot of endpoints rendering only sole form elements, tables, and so on. We don't need to always return the whole HTML document in <html> tag. We could use function-based handlers for that, however, it is often better to think of endpoints as just another components.

Component-based endpoints can only have one generic argument which is the type of attributes. They cannot have children.

Here is an example where we create two component-based endpoints:

 1   from ludic.web import Endpoint
 2   from ludic.web.datastructures import FormData
 4   from your_app.database import db
 5   from your_app.pages import Page
 6   from your_app.models import Person
 7   from your_app.components import Header, Body
10   @app.get("/")
11   async def index() -> Page:
12       return Page(
13           Header("Click To Edit"),
14           Body(*[
15               await Contact.get(contact_id) for contact_id in db.contacts
16           ]),
17       )
20   @app.endpoint("/contacts/{id}")
21   class Contact(Endpoint[ContactAttrs]):
22       @classmethod
23       async def get(cls, id: str) -> Self:
24           contact = db.contacts.get(id)
25           return cls(**contact.as_dict())
27       @classmethod
28       async def put(cls, id: str, data: FormData) -> Self:
29           contact = db.contacts.get(id)
30           contact.update(**data)
31           return await cls.get(id)
33       @override
34       def render(self) -> div:
35           return div(
36               Pairs(items=self.attrs.items()),
37               ButtonPrimary(
38                   "Click To Edit",
39                   hx_get=self.url_for(ContactForm),
40               ),
41               hx_target="this",
42           )
45   @app.endpoint("/contacts/{id}/form/")
46   class ContactForm(Endpoint[ContactAttrs]):
47       @classmethod
48       async def get(cls, id: str) -> Self:
49           contact = db.contacts.get(id)
50           return cls(**contact.as_dict())
52       @override
53       def render(self) -> Form:
54           return Form(
55               # ... form fields definition here ...,
56               ButtonPrimary("Submit"),
57               ButtonDanger("Cancel", hx_get=self.url_for(Contact)),
58               hx_put=self.url_for(Contact),
59               hx_target="this",
60           )

One benefit of this approach is that you can create components that generate the URL path for other component-based endpoints with the url_for method. More about that in the next section.

Reverse URL Lookups


There are two possible ways to generate the URL for a particular route handled by an endpoint:

  • Request.url_for
  • Endpoint.url_for
Request.url_for(endpoint: Callable[..., Any] | str, ...)

This method is available on the ludic.web.requests.Request object. It generates and URLPath object for a given endpoint.

Endpoint.url_for(endpoint: type[RoutedProtocol] | str, ...)

This method is available on a component-based endpoint. It has one small advantage over the request's method – if the destination component defines the same attributes, the path parameters are automatically extracted so you don't need to pass them via key-word arguments. Here are examples:

  • ContactForm(...).url_for(Contact) – Even though the ContactForm endpoint requires the id path parameter, it is automatically extracted from ContactForm(...).attrs since the ContactForm and Contact share the same attributes – ContactAttrs.
  • If these attribute types are not equal, you need to specify the URL path parameter explicitly, e.g. ContactForm(...).url_for(Foo, id=self.attrs["foo_id"]).
  • If the first argument to url_for is the name of the endpoint, you need to always specify the URL path parameters explicitly.

Handler Responses


Your handler is not required to return only a valid element or component, you can also modify headers, status code, or return a JSONResponse:

1   from ludic import types
2   from ludic.html import div
4   @app.get("/")
5   def index() -> tuple[div, types.Headers]:
6       return div("Headers Example"), {"Content-Type": "..."}

When it comes to the handler's return type, you have the following options:

  • BaseElement – any element or component
  • tuple[BaseElement, int] – any element or component and a status code
  • tuple[BaseElement, types.Headers] – any element or component and headers as a dict
  • tuple[BaseElement, int, types.Headers] – any element or component, status code, and headers
  • starlette.responses.Response – valid Starlette Response object

Handler Arguments


Here is a list of arguments that your handlers can optionally define (they need to be correctly type-annotated):

  • <name>: <type> if the endpoint accepts path parameters, they can be specified in the handler's arguments
  • request: Request the Ludic's slightly modified ludic.web.requests.Request class based on Starlette's one
  • params: QueryParams contain query string parameters and can be imported from ludic.web.datastructures.QueryParams
  • data: FormData an immutable multi-dict, containing both file uploads and text input from form submission
  • headers: Headers HTTP headers exposed as an immutable, case-insensitive, multi-dict


This module is in an experimental state. The API may change in the future.

The ludic.parsers module contains helpers for parsing FormData. The way it works is that you define Attrs class with Annotated arguments like here:

1   class PersonAttrs(Attrs):
2       id: NotRequired[int]
3       name: Annotated[str, parse_name]
4       email: Annotated[str, parse_email]

Now you can use the Parser class to annotate arguments of your handler. The parser will attempt to parse form data if any Callable is found in the metadata argument of Annotated:

1   from ludic.web.parsers import Parser
3   @app.put("/people/{id}")
4   async def update_person(cls, id: str, data: Parser[PersonAttrs]) -> div:
5       person = db.people.get(id)
6       person.update(data.validate())
7       return div(...)  # return updated person

The Parser.validate() uses typeguard to validate the form data. If the validation fails, the method raises ludic.parsers.ValidationError if the request's form data are not valid. If unhandled, this results in 403 status code.

Parsing Collections


You can also use the ListParser class to parse a list of data. It parses form data in a way similar to the Parser class, however, it expects the form data to have the identifier column as key. For example, we want to parse a first and last name columns from a list of people, here are the example form data the ListParser is able to handle:


This would be transformed in the following structure:

1   [
2       {"id": 1, "first_name": "Joe", "last_name": "Smith"},
3       {"id": 2, "first_name": "Jane", "last_name": "Doe"},
4   ]

This is how you could use the ListParser to parse a list of this kind of data from your view:

1   from ludic.web.parsers import ListParser
3   @app.put("/people/")
4   async def update_people(cls, id: str, data: ListParser[PersonAttrs]) -> div:
5       people.update(data.validate())
6       return div(...)  # return updated people

Error Handlers


You can use error handlers for custom pages for non-ok HTTP status codes. You can register a handler with the app.exception_handler decorator:

 1   from your_app.pages import Page
 4   @app.exception_handler(404)
 5   async def not_found() -> Page:
 6       return Page(
 7           Header("Page Not Found"),
 8           Body(Paragraph("The page you are looking for was not found.")),
 9       )
12   @app.exception_handler(500)
13   async def server_error() -> Page:
14       return Page(
15           Header("Server Error"),
16           Body(Paragraph("Server encountered an error during processing.")),
17       )

Optionally, you can use the request: Request and exc: Exception arguments for the handler:

1   @app.exception_handler(500)
2   async def server_error(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> Page: ...



The ludic.web.exceptions contains a lot of useful exceptions that can be raised in your views and caught in your custom error handlers:

  • ClientError(HTTPException) – default status code 400
  • BadRequestError(ClientError) – default status code 400
  • UnauthorizedError(ClientError) – default status code 401
  • PaymentRequiredError(ClientError) – default status code 402
  • ForbiddenError(ClientError) – default status code 403
  • NotFoundError(ClientError) – default status code 404
  • MethodNotAllowedError(ClientError) – default status code 405
  • TooManyRequestsError(ClientError) – default status code 429
  • ServerError(HTTPException) – default status code 500
  • InternalServerError(ServerError) – default status code 500
  • NotImplementedError(ServerError) – default status code 501
  • BadGatewayError(ServerError) – default status code 502
  • ServiceUnavailableError(ServerError) – default status code 503
  • GatewayTimeoutError(ServerError) – default status code 504



WebSockets support is not yet fully tested in Ludic. However, Starlette has good support for WebSockets so it should be possible to use Ludic as well.



Testing Ludic Web Apps is the same as testing Starlette apps which use a TestClient class exposing the same interface as httpx library. Read more about testing in the Starlette documentation.

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