Ludic Logo


The ludic.catalog module is a collection of components designed to help build applications using the Ludic framework. It serves as both a resource for building new web applications and also as a showcase of ways to implement components.

Each item in the catalog is a reusable component that generates HTML code and registers its own CSS styles.. The registered CSS are loaded using the style.load() method, as detailed in the Styles and Themes section of the documentation.

The catalog components are like Lego pieces you can assemble together to build interactive and beautiful HTML documents with minimalistic approach:

  • You write HTML in pure Python, this removes any need for template engines and offers type safety as a bonus.
  • The generated CSS is simple, extensible, and easy to understand. The layouts you can use for building your pages are responsive, reusable, and robust. They are based on the amazing Every Layout Book.

How Do You Use The Catalog?


In order for everything to work correctly, the first thing you usually need to do is to create a Page component. This component is important for two reasons:

  • It renders as a valid HTML document with (optionally) HTMX script loaded;
  • It renders collected CSS styles loaded from components in the catalog.
How does CSS loading work?
The CSS styles for components are loaded when the component is imported anywhere in your application. The style.load() method iterates over all imported components and checks if the components have any styles defined.

All rendered HTML documents will have this component as a base similar to how all HTML pages in template engines like Jinja2 use the base template.

How does a Page component differ from a regular component?
The only difference is that it renders as a valid HTML5 document starting with the <!doctype html> declaration. You usually need only one Page component in the whole application.

After you are done with setting up your Page component, you can use it along with all the other components in the catalog.

HtmlPage Component


This component has already been mentioned throughout the documentation and can be used to create your Page component. The HtmlPage component is just for convenience so that you can quickly start and not worry about how to load e.g. CSS styles or HTMX.

Here is how you would use the HtmlPage component to create your own Page component:

 1   from typing import override
 3   from ludic.attrs import NoAttrs
 4   from ludic.html import link, meta
 5   from ludic.catalog.pages import HtmlPage, Head, Body
 6   from ludic.catalog.layouts import Stack
 7   from ludic.components import Component
 8   from ludic.types import AnyChildren
10   class Page(Component[AnyChildren, NoAttrs]):
11       @override
12       def render(self) -> HtmlPage:
13           return HtmlPage(
14               Head(
15                   # add custom head elements
16                   meta(charset="utf-8"),
17                   link(rel="icon", type="image/png", href="..."),
19                   # here is a list of the Head's (optional) attributes
20                   title="My Page",        # add custom title
21                   favicon="favicon.ico",  # add favicon path
22                   load_styles=True,       # load registered styles
23                   htmx_config=...,        # configure HTMX
24               ),
25               Body(
26                   # here you can create a base layout where all children of
27                   # this Page component will be placed, more about layouts
28                   # in the layouts section
29                   Stack(*self.children),
31                   # here is a list of the Body's (optional) attributes
32                   htmx_version="1.9.10",  # loads HTMX script from CDN
33                   htmx_path="htmx.js",    # loads HTMX script from a path
34                   htmx_enabled=True,      # enable HTMX
35               ),
36           )

Here are the default values:

  • load_styles=True
  • htmx_config={"defaultSwapStyle": "outerHTML"}
  • htmx_enabled=True
  • htmx_version="latest"

Now that you prepared your Page component, you can use it in your code like here:

 1   from ludic.web import LudicApp
 2   from ludic.catalog.buttons import Button
 3   from ludic.catalog.headers import H1
 4   from ludic.catalog.typography import Paragraph
 6   from your_app.pages import Page
 8   app = LudicApp()
10   @app.get("/")
11   def index(request: Request) -> Page:
12       return Page(
13           H1("Hello, World!"),
14           Button("Click Me", hx_get=request.url_for("clicked")),
15       )
17   @app.get("/clicked")
18   def clicked(request: Request) -> Paragraph:
19       return Paragraph("You clicked me!")

The HtmlPage component comes also with default styles. In fact, the following list of styles are auto-loaded whenever you import anything from the ludic.catalog module:

  • ludic.catalog.pages
  • ludic.catalog.layouts
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